Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mantra *Sheddin Lyte*

Chanting is a form of release for me. I liken it to speaking in tongues, without the spit or religious overtones. I often feel instantly connected to the divine/universe while fulfilling my need for internal sound. So I'm stepping up my chanting practice in 2010.
Here is my 2010 Mantra
Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalaalaye Praseed Praseed OM Shreem Hreem Shreem Maha Laxmayei Namah
Jan 5, 2010's Mantra is
Ultishthata Jagrata Nibodhata~ Arise, Awake and Attain Illumination

I use a mala *see the etsy.com link below for a great homemade mala store*. I do a round of 108 for each mantra, generally two mantras a day. This means..... I say or chant a mantra 108 times.

Shedding Lyte: I often feel weightless and very focus after I chant. Chanting helps to connect me to my mind, body, spirit and soul. It becomes background music for my day. Adding a constant tune that enables me to shift my beingness to be more inline with day. This helps to Fade out my endless chatter and see this as they are. I feel grounded and prepared after chanting. I suggest doing it in the am as well as the pm. I give chantting 5 Radiantly Bright Lytes!

What action do you take to Shed Lyte??

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